

词曲:Lynn Deshaz   翻译:黃昭耀/黃婉娴


Holy words long preserved for our walk in this world

They resound with God's own heart, oh, let the Ancient words impart

神圣言 存万代 助我们 世上行

回响着 神的心意 传授古圣言要殷勤


Words of Life, words of Hope, give us strength, help us cope

In this world, where e'er we roam, ancient words will guide us home

生之道 希望源 赐力量 度困境

在世上 足迹天涯 主圣言归家途径


Ancient words ever true, changing me, and changing you.

We have come with open hearts, oh let the ancient words impart.

古圣言 何真实 将你我 转变一新

敞开心 我们前来 传授古圣言要殷勤


Holy words of our Faith, handed down to this age

Came to us through sacrifice, oh heed the faithful words of Christ

神圣言 我深信 历世代 到如今

临到我 因主牺牲  基督忠言要敬听


Holy words long preserved for our walk in this world

They resound with God's own heart, oh let the ancient words impart

神圣言 存万代 助我们 世上行

回响着 神的心意 传授古圣言要殷勤


Ancient words ever true, changing me, and changing you

We have come with open hearts, oh let the ancient words impart

古圣言 何真实 将你我 转变一新

敞开心 我们前来 传授古圣言要殷勤


Ancient words ever true, changing me, and changing you

We have come with open hearts, oh let the ancient words impart

古圣言 何真实 将你我 转变一新

敞开心 我们前来 传授古圣言要殷勤


Ancient words ever true, changing me, and changing you

We have come with open hearts, oh let the ancient words impart

古圣言 何真实 将你我 转变一新

敞开心 我们前来 传授古圣言要殷勤


Ancient words ever true, changing me, and changing you

We have come with open hearts, oh let the ancient words impart

古圣言 何真实 将你我 转变一新

敞开心 我们前来 传授古圣言要殷勤


We have come with open hearts, oh let the ancient words impart

敞开心 我们前来 传授古圣言要殷勤


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