諸靈日(All Souls Day)

112日是基督教傳統的諸靈日或萬靈日(All Souls Day),是家人和朋友團聚在一起,追思已逝家人和朋友的節日;傳統教會也在這一天舉行追思聚會,紀念所有逝世的基督徒,緬懷祖先的恩德,效法先人的德表,建樹美好的人生。當追思逝者時,我們感懷他們的貢獻,也偕同他們稱謝上主創造救贖的偉業,重申基督的信仰,仰賴基督死而復活的奧秘,祈求分享基督永生的幸福,將來可以在天家相聚。為逝者祈禱pray for the dead)或與逝者共禱(pray with the dead)基督教的優良傳統之一,我們絕不向逝者祈禱(pray to the dead),因祈禱的對象只有我們信仰的上主。

All Souls' Day, also called The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, is a day observed by Christians through visits to cemeteries, to clean and decorate the gravesites of their ancestors or loved ones, to lay flowers, light memorial candles and say prayers. The souls we've lost may be gone, but they are never forgotten, they live on in our cherished memories, continue to inspire us with their love and memories.

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