諸聖日(All Saints Day)

諸聖日(11月1日)是為紀念教會歷世歷代的聖者而設。在大公教會的信仰傳統裏,我們信聖徒相通、我們信身體死後復活、我們信永生,這就是我們慶祝諸聖日的原因。 保羅在羅馬書8章11節說:「使耶穌從死人中復活的上帝的靈若住在你們裏面,那使基督從死人中復活的,也必藉着住在你們裏面的聖靈使你們必死的身體又活過來。」信主之人已有這使耶穌從死人中復活的上帝之靈住在我們心內,我們無需等到死後才經歷復活,我們活著的時候,已能藉聖靈得享基督復活所帶給我們的能力、平安及盼望。基督徒因著一主、一信、一洗,我們同感一靈,有同一指望,與所有已安息主懷的信眾在上帝的愛中享受著同一的團契。諸聖日是一個讓我們追思及效法先賢的日子,教會歷代的信徒,持守著信仰的真道,努力見證福音,留下了佳美的腳蹤。基督徒也是天國群體的一員,理當竭誠盡忠,堅守教會的使命,秉承諸聖的見證,將主復活的盼望薪火相傳,活出在地如在天的生活。

All Saints' Day is also known as All Hallows' Day. Hallow simply means holy, as the Lord’s Prayer suggests (“hallowed be thy name”), so a “hallow” is a holy person—a saint. This is the day the church remembers all the women and men who have modeled holiness for us throughout the history of the church. For over a century, churches hold special services dedicated to honoring the saints and remembering departed loved ones. On this day, Christians come to affirm their historic faith and worship the God of their ancestors.


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