

教會年曆始於將臨期( Advent )第一主日,即是新的聖年的開始。 Advent  這辭原於拉丁文,意思是來臨,是耶穌來臨季節的縮寫。這季節乃聖誕節的預備期,有四個主日。這個節期的信仰內容是認識耶穌基督第一次降生前的事,並盼望祂的再來。 崇拜設計資源:

將臨期點燭禮(Advent Candle Lighting)

The Worship Sourcebook Advent Candle Lighting The lighting of Advent candles dramatically depicts the growing expectation we have for the coming of Christ, the light of the world. This action most often functions as a call to worship, but it can also function as a response to the assurance of pardon or to the sermon. The traditional Advent wreath has four purple candles (lit on the four Sundays of Advent) grouped around a white Christ candle (lit on Christmas Day). The main symbolism portrayed by the wreath is the growing intensity of light as the candle lighting includes an additional candle each worship day and as anticipation builds for the celebration of Christ’s second coming. Some congregations attribute particular meaning to individual candles, associating them with peace, joy, love, and light; with Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the Magi; or with other related aspects of Christ’s coming. These associations may be helpful for a congregation at a particular time, but...

感恩節(Thanksgiving Day)

上帝的賜予──感恩節 感恩節是美國人民家家團聚,舉國同慶的重要節日。這個節日始于1621年。那年秋天,遠涉重洋來到美洲的英國移民,為了感謝上帝賜予的豐收,舉行了三天的慶祝活動;從此,這一習俗就沿續下來,並逐漸風行各地。1863年,美國總統林肯正式宣佈感恩節為國定假日。1941年﹐美國國會通過把感恩節定在每年11月的第四個星期四,是一個長達四天的公定假日 大約在公元16世紀末到17世紀,英國清教徒發起了一場宗教改革運動,宣佈脫離國教另立教會。但在17世紀中葉時,保皇議會通過了信奉國教法,清教徒開始遭到政府和教會勢力的殘酷迫害。迫於無奈,他們只能遷往荷蘭避難;在荷蘭他們依然飽受戰爭帶來的痛苦和折磨,為了徹底逃脫宗教的迫害,為了保住下一代的語言和傳統,他們再一次想到大遷徒。 他們把目光投向美洲這塊地域遼闊、物產富饒﹑未開發的新大陸。清教徒領袖布雷德福召集了102名同伴,在1620年9月登上一艘重180噸,長90英尺的木制帆船─五月花號,開始了冒險航行。11月21日船隻抵達科德角(馬薩諸塞州普羅文斯敦港),12月26日抵達新英格蘭土地。在這充滿危險的遠征中,遭逢一人死亡、一嬰孩誕生,他們衷心感謝上帝的眷顧。 整整一個月他們都不敢貿然靠岸,只派出偵察隊在科德角灣沿線尋找定居地。偵察隊發現了一個天然的良港,就是今天的普利茅斯港。港口附近有漁場,不遠處有一片連綿起伏的小山,把這塊土地環繞起來。遠處有小溪、有開墾過的農田,還有一片能讓這群異國漂泊者避難的房屋。這裡原是一個相當繁榮的印第安村落,幾年前天花流行,全村人無一幸免。 幾天後,五月花號渡過了科德角灣,在普利茅斯港拋下了錨鏈。移民們劃著小艇登陸時,按照古老的航海傳統,首先登上了一塊高聳于海面上的大礁石。五月花號上禮炮轟鳴,人聲鼎沸,共同慶祝新生活的開始。後來,這塊礁石就被稱為普利茅斯石,成為美洲新英格蘭第一個永久性殖民地的歷史見證。 不過,第一個冬天並不美好。從大西洋上吹來的凜冽寒風,漫天的冰雪,拍打著簡陋的住房;在這一片冰天雪地裡,移民們缺少必要的裝備,也缺乏在這片土地上生活的經驗。在繁忙勞動的重壓下,加上惡劣的飲食,難以忍受的嚴寒,使更多的人倒地不起。接踵而來的傳染病,奪去許多人的生命。一個冬天過去,歷盡千難萬險來到美洲的102名移民,只剩下了50人。 第二年春天的一個早晨,一名印第安人走進了普利茅斯村,並自我介紹說,他是...

基督君王主日(Christ the King Sunday)

基督君王主日( Christ the King Sunday )是教會年曆的最後一個主日,此主日強調基督終末做王,以及教會存在世界的意義與重要性。整個三一節期要紀念主耶穌的復活、升天、得勝、稱王,祂的主權掌管全宇宙(林前 15:27-28 )。其最終的目的是歸於「上帝在萬物之上統御一切」(林前 15:28 )。基督做王直到祂再臨,要帶領世人邁進上帝國的成熟與實現。以基督君王主日作為年曆的最後一日,又是另一年度教會年曆開始的前夕,正如書信經課《啟示錄》一章 8節 所表達的「我是阿拉法(起初),我是俄梅戛(終結),是昔在、今在、以後永在的全能者。」。

諸靈日(All Souls Day)

11 月 2 日是 基督教傳統的 諸靈日或萬靈日( All Souls Day ),是家人和朋友團聚在一起,追思已逝家人和朋友的節日;傳統 教會也在這一天舉行追思聚會,紀念所有逝世的基督徒, 緬懷祖先的恩德,效法先人的德表,建樹美好的人生。 當追思逝者時,我們感懷他們的貢獻,也偕同他們稱謝上主創造救贖的偉業,重申基督的信仰,仰賴基督死而復活的奧秘,祈求分享基督永生的幸福,將來可以在天家相聚。 為逝者祈禱 ( pray for the dead )或 與逝者共禱( pray with the dead) 是 基督教的 優良傳統之一,我們 絕不向逝者祈禱( pray to the dead ), 因祈禱的對象只有我們信仰的上主。 All Souls' Day, also called The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, is a day observed by Christians through visits to cemeteries, to clean and decorate the gravesites of their ancestors or loved ones, to lay flowers, light memorial candles and say prayers. The souls we've lost may be gone, but they are never forgotten, they live on in our cherished memories, continue to inspire us with their love and memories.

諸聖日(All Saints Day)

諸聖日(11月1日)是為紀念教會歷世歷代的聖者而設。在大公教會的信仰傳統裏,我們信聖徒相通、我們信身體死後復活、我們信永生,這就是我們慶祝諸聖日的原因。   保羅在羅馬書8章11節說:「使耶穌從死人中復活的上帝的靈若住在你們裏面,那使基督從死人中復活的,也必藉着住在你們裏面的聖靈使你們必死的身體又活過來。」信主之人已有這使耶穌從死人中復活的上帝之靈住在我們心內,我們無需等到死後才經歷復活,我們活著的時候,已能藉聖靈得享基督復活所帶給我們的能力、平安及盼望。 基督徒因著一主、一信、一洗,我們同感一靈,有同一指望,與所有已安息主懷的信眾在上帝的愛中享受著同一的團契。諸聖日是一個讓我們追思及效法先賢的日子,教會歷代的信徒,持守著信仰的真道,努力見證福音,留下了佳美的腳蹤。基督徒也是天國群體的一員,理當竭誠盡忠,堅守教會的使命,秉承諸聖的見證,將主復活的盼望薪火相傳,活出在地如在天的生活。 All Saints' Day is also known as All Hallows' Day. Hallow simply means holy, as the Lord’s Prayer suggests (“hallowed be thy name”), so a “hallow” is a holy person—a saint. This is the day the church remembers all the women and men who have modeled holiness for us throughout the history of the church. For over a century, churches hold special services dedicated to honoring the saints and remembering departed loved ones. On this day, Christians come to affirm their historic faith and worship the God of their ancestors.  

諸聖日前夕(All Hallows’ Eve)

What is a hallow? Hallow simply means holy, as the Lord’s Prayer suggests (“hallowed be thy name”), so a “hallow” is a holy person—a saint. All Hallows’ Eve, then, is the eve of All Saints’ Day—the day the church remembers all the women and men who have modeled holiness for us throughout the history of the church. All Saints’ Day is followed by All Souls’ Day on November 2, the day the church recognizes all the faithful departed—that is, every person who has ever lived and died in Christ, whether the church officially recognizes them as a saint or not.   For over a century, the Church has observed All Hallow’s Eve as an evening vigil to watch and wait for these two holy days that honor the friends, family, and heroic saints who are now part of the “cloud of witnesses” spoken of in Hebrews 12:1, cheering us on from heaven as we run the race set before us. All Hallows’ Eve is similar to Christmas Eve in that we are eagerly and festively anticipating the holy day that follows.